Etiquette in the modern world and the role of a woman in modern society

On March 31, 2022 the event "Etiquette in the modern world and the role of a woman in modern society" was held at the South Kazakhstan Medical Academy.

The event touched upon all modern aspects, and different situations for students were also developed. Examples from life were given and analyzed, thanks to the sitcoms. Events of this kind, associate professor Abuova G.T. have been holding for 10 years on a regional scale in various institutions of the city with the involvement of the media. The following guests were invited to this event: Kural Komek - a poet, holder of the Order "Kurmet" of the Kyrgyz Republic, Zholaeva Gulnara Ikramovna - Director of “Kamkor” LLP, No. 13 polyclinic in Shymkent. After the end of the event, Gulnara Ikramova suggested that student activists hold the same master class in her medical institution for employees. According to her, in our time there is not enough culture of behavior, and as Kural Komek said, from the words of Abai K., "The more cultured a person is, the richer his spiritual world." The organizers were the Department of Pharmacology, Pharmacotherapy and Clinical Pharmacology, as well as student activists of В-PhOAB-05-19, B-PhKB-05-17 groups and the international group B-OM-01-20. Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy Umurzakhova G.Zh. underlined the words of Abay Kunanbayuly, “ God will not change your life because you are in a hurry ”. Also, the moderator of the event, Ph.D., acting Associate Professor Abuova G.T. made quotes from Al-Farabi “ Nurture should be given to a person first, not the education, education without nurture is the worst enemy of mankind, it will kill him in the future.” Head of the department Zh. Toxanbayeva concluded the event with the words "Ethics is an unlimited responsibility for everything that lives" and thanked all the students and the moderator for their active participation and hard work.

14.04.2022, 13:43