Academic mobility of the teacher of NJSC «SКMA» D.E.Odzyal in the NJSC «Medical University of Astana»

In the period from 21th of February to 04th of March, in 2022, the teacher of the department of «Microbiology, Virology and Immunology» D.E.Odzyal conducts in online format SIW classes at the NJSC «Astana Medical University» on academic mobility at the department of «Microbiology and Virology named after Sh.I. Sarbasov» for 2nd year students of the speciality «General Medicine» in Russian language in the discipline «Medical Microbiology» on the following topics:
1. Serological reactions (RA, RPHA, RP, RSK, ELISA, IGF, RN, RIA). Allergy and hypersensitivity reactions.
2. Causative agents of anaerobic infections. Specific prevention and treatment. Principles of laboratory diagnosis of tetanus, botulism and gas gangrene.
3. Clinical diagnostic microbiology. Nosocomial infections. Pathogenic and opportunistic fungi. Mycological research.
4. Viruses are the causative agents of respiratory infections. Specific prevention and treatment.
5. Mid-term exams №3. "Viral Infections".
Classes were conducted using modern teaching methods.

03.03.2022, 19:52