Round table : "Actual problems of practical pharmacy"

On November 14, 2022, a round table on the topic "Actual problems of practical pharmacy" was held in the large conference hall of JSC "SKMA", organized by the Department of Organization and Management of Pharmaceutical Business together with the Dean's Office of the Faculty of Pharmacy for students of III, IV, V courses in the specialty "Pharmacy" and II, III courses in the specialty "PMT". The meeting was attended by the following invited guests, representatives of practical pharmacy:
• Sabyr G. A. – Chief Specialist of the Department for Monitoring Pharmaceutical Activities and Monitoring prices for Medicines and Medical devices.
• Togusbaeva G. B. – Director of Zerde Pharm LLP.
• Sadyk Zh. S. – Director of the branch of AKNIET GROUP LLP.
• Pernebay E. E. – Phyto-Apifarm LLP, workshop foreman.
• Almasov Zh. B. – Director of Apple-Pharma LLP
• Alzhanova H. D. – Director of the Association of Pharmaceutical and Medical Organizations in South Kazakhstan region "Damu".

Also participating in this event were: Head of the EMC – Doltayeva B.Z., head of the methodological department – Rasheva B.M., Chairman of the CPC PMT – Torlanova B.U., Chairman of the CPC FF - Toksanbayeva Zh.S., Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy - Umurzakhova G.Zh., head of the DLT – Khalmetova Sh.A., Head of the Department of Pharmaceutical and of toxicological chemistry – Ordabaeva S.K., teaching staff of the Department of Organization and Management of Pharmaceutical Business and employees of the Dean's Office of the Faculty of Pharmacy.
The guests of the round table touched upon topical issues of practical pharmacy. Special attention was paid to the development of professional competencies in management and quality assurance at all stages of the circulation of medicines and medical devices in accordance with GxP.

The purpose of this round table was to expand cooperation and interaction between all interested parties. The topic of improving educational programs for the training of pharmaceutical personnel, ensuring the continuity of the content of programs in accordance with the national qualification framework, the requirements of the professional standard and the nomenclature of pharmaceutical specialties was also touched upon.

16.11.2022, 15:40