Republican scientific and practical student conference "Student science - achievements and development prospects"

December 7, 2022 at the West Kazakhstan Medical University named after Marat Ospanov, Aktobe, the Republican scientific and practical student conference "Student science - achievements and development prospects" was held. The conference was attended by students of the South Kazakhstan Medical Academy, with the heads of the department "Microbiology, Virology and Immunology" in an online format and received diplomas. Our students spoke on the following topics:
Bergaliyeva Z. N., Bazarbayeva A. N., 2nd year students of group В-ЖМҚА-03-21, specialty "General medicine" - "Microbiological landscape of biomaterials of patients diagnosed with Covid-19", diploma in the nomination - Best report.
Saini Sahil, 2nd year student of the ЖМША 07-21 group, specialty "General Medicine" - "Empirical analysis of the relationship and influence of social, economic and individual factors on the development of tuberculosis", 3rd degree diploma.
Bekbau A.D., resident of the 1st year, specialty "Allergology and immunology for adults, children" - "Bronchial asthma in adults", 1st degree diploma.

08.12.2022, 14:03