Preventing drug abuse, alcoholism, and HIV/AIDS among young people and involving them in sports

On November 14, 2022 in the large assembly hall of the SKMA Department of Social Affairs and Youth Policy held a meeting on "Prevention of drug abuse, alcoholism and HIV / AIDS among young people and introducing youth to the sport.
Major Bauyrzhan Karbekov, a detective officer of the Shymkent Police Department for Combating Drug Crimes, Sergali-Turkestan Regional Public Association, Project Coordinator Abutaliyevzhanan, Specialist of the Centre for AIDS Prevention and Control Zhurgenbaeva Nazira took part in the meeting, doctor of narcologist of Mental Health Center at PCV Odaman Meruert, specialist of higher sports center #3 of Shymkent city, deputy head of school mastery Ruslan Aitov, athlete of higher sports school #3 of Shymkent city. It was attended by the coach of the School of Highest Sportsmanship No.3 of Shymkent Abzal Akhataev, teachers of the SKMA and employees of the Youth Policy Department. The initiator of this event was the coach of the School of Highest Sportsmanship No.3 of Shymkent, Abzal Akhatayev, who noted the purpose of the event.

Specialists who arrived at the meeting spoke in detail about the ways and important signs of prevention of HIV/AIDS and drug and alcohol addiction among the population. The students received answers to relevant questions and became acquainted with new data.
Summing up the event, Merey Ziyat, an athlete of the School of High Sportsmanship No. 3 and a finalist at the world championship, urged the students to avoid bad habits and take up sports.

16.11.2022, 10:35