October 25 - Republic Day

On October 21, 2022, the Department of «Nursing» organized an educational excursion with students to museums and holy places on the theme "October 25 - Republic Day".

The purpose of the excursion: to teach students to read their native land, native country, people. One of the ways to happiness is to explain what begins with love for the native Land. To foster patriotic feelings for the Motherland. To know the role of law in securing the legal status of a person and a citizen. Informing about the stages of formation of the Kazakh state, about the history and legal development of Kazakhstan in the country.

The Republic Day on October 25 was not chosen by chance. On the same day in 1990, by Decree of the Supreme Soviet of the Kazakh Soviet Socialist Republic No. 307-XII, the Declaration on State Sovereignty of the Kazakh Soviet Socialist Republic was adopted. The declaration proclaimed the sovereignty of the Kazakh Soviet Socialist Republic, proclaimed the political and legal foundations of Kazakhstan as an independent state. Personal territory, citizenship, state budget, independence in international relations, state symbols of Kazakhstan were fixed as the fundamental principles of sovereign statehood. On July 16, 2022, at the national Kurultai, President of Kazakhstan Kassymzhomart Tokayev proposed to return the status of a national holiday to the Republic Day.

Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan is the main national holiday of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The national flag is like a blue sky illuminated by a golden sun. A steppe eagle slowly soaring against the background of that mesmerizing sky. Another distinctive feature of the national flag is a ram's horn stripe with a national pattern painted almost vertically on the handle. This is the breath of the nomadic world, the spirit of the dark steppe. The golden sun in the middle of the flag shines as a light for our people. The eagle, opening its wings and holding the golden sun, raises the staff and flies as a sign of courage. Honoring our flag means honoring our people. The blue sky is a symbol of spaciousness, tranquility, and height. The national anthem is a musical poetic emblem of the country, a literary musical document. The anthem is a musical greeting, a talisman of the people's hearts.

In this regard, the staff of the department and active students of the medical college visited the "Local History Museum" of Shymkent. The museum's funds contain more than 70 thousand monuments of material and spiritual culture. The fund of the scientific library of the museum has more than 6 thousand copies of books. The period of formation of Kazakhstan as an independent, independent state occupies a special place in the exhibition productions.

22.10.2022, 09:42