Attention to applicants wishing to enroll in a master's degree!

From November 15 to November 18, 2022, registration for comprehensive testing began for those wishing to enroll in a master's degree in the direction of "Healthcare" on a paid basis.
Enrollment in the Master's program will be held from December 26 to January 10, 2022.
Enrollment of persons in the scientific and pedagogical magistracy on a paid basis will be carried out according to the results of CT in accordance with the scale of the 150-point evaluation system for CT in the magistracy with Kazakh or Russian language of instruction. The passing score for enrollment is at least 75 points, while in a foreign language – at least 25 points, according to the profile of a group of educational programs: with the choice of one correct answer – at least 7 points, with the choice of one or more correct answers – at least 7 points, according to the test to determine readiness for learning – not less than less than 7 points.
Russian or Kazakh language of instruction for a fee is carried out on the basis of the results of CT in accordance with the Scale of the 100-point evaluation system for CT in the specialized magistracy with the Kazakh or Russian language of instruction. The passing score for enrollment is at least 50 points, while according to the test for determining readiness for training – at least 7 points, according to the profile of a group of educational programs: with the choice of one correct answer – at least 7 points, with the choice of one or more correct answers – at least 7 points.

15.11.2022, 14:31