THE FACETS OF COOPERATION OF SKMA ARE EXPANDING: a memorandum has been signed with the University of Mysore, India

On 28.11.2022, the South Kazakhstan medical academy and the JSS University of Higher Education and Research (JSSAHER) in Mysore, Karnataka, India signed a Memorandum of Understanding for cooperation.
"Special emphasis was placed on research in the field of pharmacy," said the rector of the South Kazakhstan Medical Academy, Professor M.M. Rysbekov, opening the meeting. The memorandum allows using the experience and advanced research capabilities of JSSAHER in the field of pharmaceutical research. The boundaries of international cooperation between the two countries are expanding, due to the fact that we train not only undergraduate students, but also master’s steudents, interns, residents, doctoral students. We have a lot in common – it’s a great desire to raise a new generation of scientists who will study medicinal herbs growing on the territory of the two countries with sincere interest and prepare medicines based on them. Science and pharmacy in India is developed and competes on an equal terms with global pharmaceutical companies. There is a niche for the exchange of experience both in education and in science," summed up Rector M.M.Rysbekov.

The foreign guests who spoke noted that JSSAHER is a university focused on medical sciences and research, consists of faculties of medicine, biomedical sciences, pharmacy, dentistry, life sciences and management research.
The teaching staff, consisting of 650 scientists, trains about 3500 students, over 300 foreign students from 25 countries. 2500 graduate students and about seven hundred research scientists are engaged in science. Over the past decade, JSSAHER has strengthened its position in the ever-growing and highly competitive education sector.

The signing of the memorandum was attended by: Rector of the South Kazakhstan Medical Academy M.M.Rysbekov, Shri Sanjay Vedi Ji - Director of the Swami Vivekananda Cultural Center, Embassy of India in Kazakhstan; Vijay Singh - Second Secretary (Head of Chancery, Education & Community), Embassy of India, Kazakhstan; Vishal Gupta - Deputy Director (Academics) JSS Academy of Higher Education and Research, Mysuru and Professor Dept. of Pharmaceutics JSS College of Pharmacy Sri Shivarathreeshwara Nagar Mysuru, India; B Manjunatha - Registrar, JSS Academy of Higher Education and Research, Misuru, India.

Cooperation within the framework of the memorandum signed between universities promotes the exchange of experience, information, research results, publication of materials, joint research, conferences, congresses, symposiums.
The partnership between universities will expand the opportunities for teachers and students in the field of academic mobility, internships and research projects.
In addition, JSSAHER is included in national and global rankings, positioning itself among the best educational institutions, entering the top four hundred universities in the world according to the Times Higher Education, World University Ranking 2022, becoming the second institution in India to receive a rating (351-400).
University scientists have published over 10,600 publications in journals with the H-Index 94 in Scopus and 80 in Web of Science. The University has managed to obtain a significant number of large government-funded research projects, including DBT BUILDER.

28.11.2022, 17:15