Meeting with deputies

On November 02, 2022 a meeting was held in the auditorium of the large South Kazakhstan Medical Academy on the theme "a new and fair Kazakhstan". Deputy of Shymkent city branch of "AMANAT" party Kalmuratov M.O. and director of Shymkent city Pushkin library Romanova N., deputy of Shymkent city maslikhat Zholdybaeva T., employees of Department of social issues and youth policy of SKMA and students took part in the meeting.
The event was opened by M. O. Kalmuratov, Deputy of Shymkent city branch of AMANAT party, who briefed the guests. In turn, Shymkent city Maslikhat deputy T. Zholdybayeva said: "November 20 will be a historic day that determines the future of Kazakhstan. Everyone who is not indifferent to the fate of the country should make their choice and take part in these elections".

02.11.2022, 17:53