Literary evening "light of the spirit of the nation" dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the outstanding Kazakh poet and public figure Mukhtar Shakhanov

There was organized the literary evening «Ұлт рухының шырақшысы», devoted to the 80th anniversary of Mukhtar Shakhanov by Chair of Foreign Languages and Department of Social Affairs and Youth Policy on the 6th of December, 2022. The first word was given to the head of the department of social issues and youth policy Salim E. K. While telling about the multifaceted life and art of the poet, his creative work which has its place in the Kazakh poetry, it is necessary to know the power of poetic songs, to reveal language, to know historical reality and beauty which is expressed by the art of words. At the evening "Light of the Spirit of the Nation" dedicated to our great man, distinguished by his great talent, noble poetry, and lofty citizenship, excerpts from the poet's works were read. Reports on the poet's life were also heard.

Undoubtedly, the history of December and the name of the poet Mukhtar will be mentioned together. Mukhtar Shakhanov was a spiritual helper and consoler of Kazakh mothers during those difficult years that fell to the Kazakh people. At the end of the evening, there was a desire to not lose yourself in life and to continue to see through the high passes of dreams.

15.12.2022, 15:42