Academy news

Уважаемые коллеги!

More than 100 residents of SKMA are entrenched and actively involved in the clinics No. 1-13 of the city infectious diseases hospital, regional clinical hospital,...
03.04.2020, 9:25
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Academy residents

More than 100 residents of SKMA are entrenched and actively involved in the clinics No. 1-13 of the city infectious diseases hospital, regional clinical hospital,...
27.03.2020, 9:25
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The burden of coronavirus infection COVID-19 in the world and the work of South Kazakhstan Medical Academy’s infectious disease resident doctors

The 6 resident doctors of the second year and 16 resident doctors of the first year of study take knowledge and improve their skills at...
21.03.2020, 9:25
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Organization of the educational process in distance educational technologies in JSC "SKMA"

These days, the educational process at the Academy is organized by distance educational technologies (DET), there are all the necessary conditions for organizing the educational...
19.03.2020, 9:25
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Distance Learning at the Faculty of Pharmacy

In order to prevent the spread of coronovirus infection, the educational process at the Faculty of Pharmacy was transferred to distance learning technology. All participants...
19.03.2020, 9:25
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Experience of the Department of Pharmaceutical and Toxicological Chemistry

Teachers of the Department of Pharmaceutical and Toxicology Chemistry conduct classes in the distance learning system at the same time on the Platonus and Zoom...
18.03.2020, 9:25
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At the department "Microbiology" distance learning technology is successfully applied!

Teachers carry out practical and independent work at the Platonus, «ZOOM» sites, lectures are successfully held in accordance with the schedule. If necessary, students consult...
18.03.2020, 9:25
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Dear students!

    Dear students! The South Kazakhstan Medical Academy (Shymkent), as the whole world, is concerned about the problem of coronovirus infection. By decree of President Tokayev...
16.03.2020, 9:25
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The theme of a round table : "The best way of spiritual rebirth is the greatness of Abai"

On March 11, 2020, the Department of Pharmacology, Pharmacotherapy and Clinical Pharmacology held a round table dedicated to the anniversary of Abay Kunanbayev. This year...
13.03.2020, 9:25
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Teaching students using the TBL method with Open Labyrinth elements

Innovative pedagogical teaching technologies guarantee the formation of deeper knowledge among students, which will allow them to carry out the professional activities of a general...
28.02.2020, 9:25
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Continuity of the spiritual heritage of al-Farabi and Abay Kunanbayev

The South Kazakhstan medical Academy organized an educational and creative evening on the theme "Continuity of the spiritual heritage of al-Farabi and Abay Kunanbayev", dedicated...
28.02.2020, 9:25
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Academic mobility of the head of microbiology department, d.m.s, acting Professor Seitkhanov B.T. was in KazNMU named after S.D. Asfendiyarov

In the period from February 10 to February 22, 2020, the Head of Microbiology, d.m.s, Professor Seitkhanov B.T. on academic mobility held classes at KazNMU...
25.02.2020, 9:25
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