D.m.s., a professor Seitkanova Bibigul Tolegenkyzyz’s academic mobility from 3rd to 15th of April 2022 in the Kazakh national research university named after S. D. Asfendiyarov

From April 3 to 15 in 2022, within the framework of academic mobility, "immune response" classes according to the following schedule was held in the Kazakh national research university named after S. D. Asfendiyarov in Almaty and the exchange of experience work in the educational scientific direction was conducted:
1. Anti-cancer immunity.
1. The basis of transplantation immunity. Immunobiotechnology as a branch of modern biotechnology.
3. High sensitivity mechanism. Autoimmune diseases. Vaccinoprophylaxis, vaccinotherapy.
According to the module of the discipline, work was carried out on the exchange of experience with the principles of the structure of syllabuses, familiarization with the principles of processing unified learning outcomes according to the modular system, preparation of an integrated checklist as a means of control (test tasks, situational tasks, practical skills) were carried out to assess  students' knowledge. Modular content has been developed with the exchange of experience on updating the latest achievements of the module content in immunology and related disciplines. (Analysis of scientific articles) a scientific classes were organized at the department.  On the organization of scientific work of students, an exchange of experience with the Gournal Club organization among students was conducted (analysis and presentation of scientific articles in journals with a high Impact factor).
In the 2022-2023 academic year, together with the head of the Department, candidate of Medical Sciences, E. Zh. Bitanova, it is planned to publish a textbook for residents (modern methods of cancer immunotherapy) in Kazakh and Russian.

During the conducting the class

During the taking mid-term exam

20.04.2022, 12:24