On April 19, the Department of Pharmaceutical and Toxicological Chemistry held an international competition of poster reports "Science is an effective way of knowing the world", dedicated to the day of science in the Republic of Kazakhstan with the participation of partner universities of the SKMA. The competition was attended by students, undergraduates and doctoral students of the First Moscow State Medical University named after Sechenov (Moscow, RF), Bashkir State Medical University (Ufa, RF), University of Medicine and Pharmacy named after Julio Hatieganu (Cluj-Napoca, Romania), Kyrgyz State Medical Academy (Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan), Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute (Tashkent, Uzbekistan), Bukhara State Medical University (Bukhara, Uzbekistan) and South Kazakhstan Medical Academy.

The purpose of the competition was to demonstrate the innovative achievements of the research activities of future scientists, teachers and practitioners in the field of pharmaceutical sciences.

The competition was held offline and online for foreign participants. The competition received 25 poster presentations (posters), which were shown to the jury members and those present. The tasks of the speakers included comments on the posters, as well as answering questions and participating in the discussion.

The directions of scientific research were diverse: innovative technologies in pharmacy, standardization of medicines and medicinal plant materials, chemical and toxicological analysis of toxicologically important substances, nature management and ecology. The jury members evaluated the poster reports according to the following criteria: relevance, scientific novelty and practical significance, the quality of the poster report (visibility, creativity, presentability), the degree of knowledge of the material (questions and answers, the ability to discuss). After the speeches of all participants, the jury members discussed the results and made a final decision for the organizing committee. Chairman of the jury Professor Dosybayeva G.N. announced the results of the competition and the names of the winners. All participants of the competition received certificates of participation indicating the supervisor, and the winners received diplomas of I, II and III degrees.

All participants of the competition and their leaders shared their impressions about the organization and holding of the international competition of poster presentations. The high level of the competition was noted with the involvement of a large number of international participants, the excellent technical level of communication, where the contestants were able to uninterruptedly answer all their questions.

The essence of the competition was not in a formal report on the results of research, but in the direct connection of the contestants with the audience. Since the peculiarity of this scientific forum was direct, prompt feedback from the speakers on all the questions, recommendations and suggestions.

22.04.2022, 18:04