Frequency of age-related systemic diseases of joints and connective tissue in Turkestan region

On April 20, 2022, the South Kazakhstan Medical Academy of the Department of "Propaedeutics of Internal Diseases" and "Pediatrics-1" jointly held an interdepartmental scientific and practical conference on the topic: "The frequency of age-related systemic diseases of joints and connective tissue in the Turkestan region".
The head of the Department of "Propaedeutics of Internal Diseases", Candidate of Medical Sciences, acting associate Professor G.S. Sadykova opened the conference.
Currently, systemic diseases of the joints and connective tissue are one of the most pressing problems, which can be explained by the high prevalence among the population, the duration of the course, an increase in the frequency of temporary and persistent disability of the patient.
It is possible to improve performance only with the timely detection of systemic diseases of the joints and connective tissue and the necessary treatment.    Further, Acting Head of the Department of Pediatrics-1, PhD N.S. Narkhodzhaev took part in the opening ceremony of the conference and explained the relevance of joint and systemic diseases, the frequency of joint and systemic diseases among children and adolescents, the importance of basic preventive measures. The analyzed topic is relevant for future doctors. He wished good luck to all interested students.
The conference was also attended by the head of the Department of Scientific and Clinical Work, Doctoral and Master's degree A.A. Zhaksylykov, who wished good luck to the students.
During the conference, active students collected and analyzed statistical data stored in the archive of the Regional Clinical Hospital of Turkestan region on the topics: rheumatism, rheumatoid arthritis, deforming osteoarthritis, gout and scleroderma, systemic lupus erythematosus. The analysis was carried out by age and gender over the last 3 years (2018-2021).
Participating students of the Department "Pediatrics-1" actively noted these topics: «Роль социально-демографических и территориальных факторов в позднем выявлении дисплазии тазовых органов у детей», «The ways to optimise of existing approaches to the diagnosis and treatment of hip joint pathology in infants», «Қазақстан Республикасында балалар арасындағы дәнекер тіннің патологиялық үрдістері».
At the end of the conference, the head of the Department of "Propaedeutics of Internal Diseases", Ph.D., Acting Associate Professor G.S.Sadykova thanked the students for their active participation and awarded diplomas of I, II, III degrees.

20.04.2022, 16:40