From April 4th to April 15th, 2022, as part of the academic mobility of the teaching staff, a senior lecturer – Boroniev Nazarali Saboievich and Nazarov Mirzo Nazarovich – Professor of the Department of Pharmacognosy and Organization of Pharmacy Economics "Tajik State Medical University named after Abu Ali Ibni Sino" were invited at the Department of Pharmacognosy.
The academic mobility program includes online lectures on the following topics: “The chemical composition of medicinal plants. Histochemical and microchemical analysis of medicinal plant raw materials" in the discipline "Pharmacognosy", "Standardization of medicinal raw materials containing saponins (steroidal and triterpene glycosides)" in the discipline "Analysis and standardization of medicinal raw materials" for students of the 2nd, 3rd and 4th year of the educational program "Pharmacy", "Mushrooms. Lichens", "Lower plants" in the discipline "Botany" for 1st year students of the educational program "Pharmacy" and 1st year students of the medical college of the educational program "09160100 - Pharmacy".

Lecturer Boroniev N.S. stopped at the histochemical and microchemical analysis of medicinal plant materials, the chemical composition of medicinal plants. Also, the lecturer noted all the details of the standardization of medicinal raw materials containing various groups of biologically active compounds.
Symbiotic associations of fungi, their structure and the main features of lichens were explained by Professor Nazarov M.N.
The first-year students of the medical college were interested in questions about higher spore plants, and also discussed higher plants that form seeds - bodies of complex structure, inside which there is a multicellular embryo.

The academic mobility program impressed with its quality and effectiveness, which in turn allowed to improve professional skills and facilitate their implementation in practice.
The lectures of Boronchiev N.S. and Nazarov M.N. made a great impression. The material was presented in an accessible and understandable way for everyone, and was based on facts from practical work.
We are very grateful to the lecturers and staff of the Department of Pharmacognosy and Organization of Pharmacy Economics of the Abuali Ibni Sino Tajik State Medical University for productive joint activities in the framework of training competent specialists in the field of pharmaceutical education and science.

20.04.2022, 12:01