On April 20, 2022, the Department of Pharmacognosy and the Research Laboratory of Medicinal Plants organized a master class dedicated to the Day of Science on the topic: "Methods of Physical and Chemical Analysis" for 2nd and 3rd year students of the educational program "Pharmacy", members of the student scientific circle "Phytochemist" and undergraduates.

Head of the department, acting professor Orynbasarova K.K. noted the conduct of scientific research on various types of medicinal plant raw materials, with the aim of their industrial development and expansion of the range of domestic phytopreparations.
The purpose of scientific research (SR) is to search for and create our own raw materials base for medicinal plant materials, the development and implementation of highly effective and environmentally friendly phytopreparations based on them. Isolation and study of biologically active substances from medicinal plants of South Kazakhstan and the creation of new broad-spectrum phytopreparations on their basis. To achieve the goals and objectives of research, 3 scientific and technical projects were prepared and implemented. Over the past 10 years, about 30 master's theses have been completed at the department.
The department operates a student scientific circle "Phytochemist" from among students of 3-5 courses. Each student is assigned a certain section of the complex topic of research work of the department and a supervisor.
Master class coordinators: Kemelbekov U.S., Konash N.E. and Abilova A.A.
The purpose of the master class: building the potential of students in the field of scientific pharmacy.
During the master class, the work of physical and chemical analysis methods was shown: high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), infrared (IR) spectroscopy, photoelectric colorimetry (PC).
The principle of operation of liquid chromatography, a distinctive feature of HPLC, the mechanism for separating the analyzed substances, and directly, the work itself on the device was shown by senior researcher, candidate of chemical sciences Kemelbekov U.S.

Teacher Konash N.K. spoke about the physical method of chemical analysis of FC, based on determining the concentration of a substance by the color intensity of solutions. Students were shown to quantify the colored solution.

The method of IR spectroscopy was presented by the teacher Abilova A.A. The students saw the maximum absorption of infrared radiation, which indicates the presence in the molecules of the sample of certain functional groups and other fragments.

Following the results of the master class, a discussion was held, during which the participants noted that master classes of this level show the results of the integration of disciplines studied by students within the walls of the university, and the knowledge gained in the study of physical and chemical methods of analysis helps to competently master skills and abilities, which specialists will use in their future professional activities.
Based on the above, high requirements for the content and organization of training of specialists in universities, including support for the scientific work of students, are due to the pace of development of the country's economy. To this end, elements of scientific research are actively introduced into the educational process to consolidate theoretical knowledge in practice, namely the participation of students in research work both within the educational process and outside it.

20.04.2022, 17:22