How drug candidates are developed and researched at universities around the world

On April 13, within the framework of the Week of Science at the Department of Pharmacology, Pharmacotherapy and Clinical Pharmacology, students and teachers were presented with the experience of developing drugs and studying targets in the mechanism of drug action at UCL University (UK).Seydalieva Sabina Karzhaubaevna - Master of Pharmacy showed her own research, which she conducted while studying for a master's degree at UCL University.

Interesting data were presented on the development of 3D medicinesformulations for use in children, the elderly, individual dosing, etc.

Important problems in the development of drugs through mathematical and molecular modeling are carried out at the University of UCL.

Models for the study of biomarkers in transplantology, the study of the mechanisms of development of pharmacological effects of some potential drug candidates were presented.

20.04.2022, 10:35