Modern pharmacy: new approaches in education and current research

Under this name, an international scientific and practical conference was held at the Astana Medical University, dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the State Prize Laureate of the Republic of Kazakhstan Arystanova T.A., Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Professor.
As part of this forum, an international subject Olympiad in the EP “Pharmacy” was organized among students of the Bashkir State Medical University, Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute, Kyrgyz State Medical Academy named by Akhunbaev, KazNMU named by Asfendiyarov (2 teams), MU Karaganda, MU Aktobe, MU Semey, MU Astana (2 teams) and SKMA.
A team of students from our Academy which consisted of Rachmanova Dilnoza, Yan Katerina, Oser Arailym, Matkarim Asel, Nezvanova Ekaterina with the motto “learn, search, find and develop” acted under the name “Meta-Pharm”, which in youth slang in English means the most effective tactics available - the most effective tactics available. Such tactics, thought out in advance, providing for their steps in advance, are characteristic of pharmacists.

According to the results of the team tour, our team won 1st place, where all 5 team members contributed in all declared disciplines, showing not only excellent theoretical knowledge and practical skills. In the individual competition, our students showed the following results: Rakhmanova D. – 1st place (pharmaceutical chemistry), Matkarim A. – 2nd place (drug technology), Yan K. – 3rd place (toxicological chemistry), Nezvanova K. – 3rd place (pharmacognosy). At the captains' competition, Rakhmanova Dilnoza, a 5th year student, showed brilliant knowledge and erudition in all subjects.

The second day of the conference was dedicated to honoring the hero of the day, Professor T. A. Arystanova, plenary and sectional sessions. Our delegation congratulated the hero of the day on behalf of the team and the rector of SKMA, Professor M. M. Rysbekov with an address folder and a memorable souvenir.

At the plenary session, the report of Professor S.K. Ordabayeva “Research on the components of Artemisia cina” aroused great interest. Students, undergraduates and doctoral students of the Academy made presentations at the sectional sessions.

Among them, the report of students Rakhmanova D. and Yan K. on the topic “Research of objects of plant origin in the process of project-based learning” was awarded the 1st prize for relevance, novelty, practical significance, and creative presentation.

No less interesting and worthy were the report of student Nezvanova K. “Commodity research of the herb Meadowsweet yarrow” and the report of doctoral student Musabekov Zh. “High-performance liquid chromatography in the chemical toxicological analysis of amlodipine”, which were awarded the 1nd and 2nd prize.

Thus, the students adequately represented our Academy at such a major international forum with the participation of representatives of the Czech Republic, Poland, Russia, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, both in educational and scientific research areas, showing brilliant knowledge, professional competencies and skills as a research scientist.

The international forum brought together scientists and teachers, young researchers and students from Europe, Russia, Central Asia, was held at a high level, conference participants exchanged opinions, experience in the research and educational sphere and outlined plans and projects for continue of the cooperation for the benefit of protecting the health of the population.

06.11.2023, 12:52