Master class «Application of service design»

From September 26 to 30, 2022, the SKMA team was a participant in the master class “Application of service design in the development of nursing services in Kazakhstan”, which was held at the Astana Medical University. The master class is part of the Erasmus + AccelEd project (“Accelerating Master and PhD level nursing education development in the higher education system in Kazakhstan”).

The master class was organized for the faculty of medical universities, clinic staff, chief and senior nurses, master's and doctoral students of the Republic of Kazakhstan, aimed at sharing the results of service design projects implemented in medical universities in Kazakhstan, as well as sharing experience in implementing and improving nursing care.
SKMA was represented by: Head of the Department of Emergency Medicine and Nursing, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor Seidakhmetova Aizat Ashimkhanovna, assistants of the department Khodjakulova Umida Abdyvalievna, Auezkhankyzy Dana, Yunusmetov Eldor Shavkatovich, Ospanbek Aigul Keneskyzy, Yusupova Shakhnoza Davranbekovna, undergraduates of the second year training of the educational program "Nursing" Kasimova Kamila Kurbanbaevna, Bizhanova Aigerim Duysenalikyzy.

Seidakhmetova A.A. made a report on behalf of the SKMA team. and Yunusmetov E.Sh. on the topic: "Patient satisfaction with the level of assistance provided in the department during diagnostic procedures."
The master class was organized jointly by JAMK (University of Applied Sciences, Finland), MUK (Karaganda Medical University) and MUA (Astana Medical University). International experts, lecturers of the Master class were professors from the universities of Finland, the Netherlands, Lithuania, Nazarbayev University. The master class was aimed at sharing the results of service design projects implemented in medical universities in Kazakhstan, and sharing experience in implementing and improving nursing care.

Throughout the master class, work was carried out in small groups to develop tools, improve the service design of medical services. When conducting research on service design, each team tried to solve the issues that arise in nurses, presented the results of the work. During the master class, a discussion was held on the application of service design in the development of nursing services, the evaluation of the results of the implementation of improvements was discussed in order to improve the service design approach for use in one's work.

03.10.2022, 13:15