March 18-National Dress Day

Starting from 2024, Nauryz will be celebrated in Kazakhstan in a new way - for 10 days from March 14 to 23. And each of the 10 days is dedicated to a certain cultural tradition or value.
Today, March 18, is the 5th day of the Nauryz holiday - the National Dress Day. Various events aimed at popularizing national costumes are held throughout the Republic. National clothing is an important part of Kazakh culture and history.
At the beginning of March, the South Kazakhstan Medical Academy started a challenge (which has already become annual), in the framework of which various departments record a video with congratulations and demonstrate national costumes on the eve of one of the most significant and favorite holidays of Kazakhstan's residents, Nauryz.
The department of medical biophysics and information technologies became an exception. The teaching staff of the department enthusiastically supported the idea of the challenge and demonstrated beautiful images in traditional Kazakh clothes, emphasizing the importance, beauty and uniqueness of the national culture, adding bright colors and colors to the work process.
Let's continue to preserve and transmit the heritage of our ancestors, making our country even more beautiful and amazing!

18.03.2024, 18:17