Current state of the pharmaceutical industry: problems and prospects

Leading teachers of the Academy took part in the IV international scientific and practical conference organized by the Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute.

At the plenary session, a report was heard from the rector of the St. Petersburg State Chemical and Pharmaceutical University, Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Professor I.A. Narkevich about the development of a transport system for RNA drugs. The report of the head of the Department of Analytical Chemistry of the Faculty of Pharmacy at the University of Ege, Professor Dilşat Ariksoysal on electrochemical DNA biosensors and their application in pharmacy was relevant. We listened with great interest to the report of Professor of the Department of Pharmacology of the Hallym Medical College Sung-Oh Huh on promoting joint research between Uzbekistan and Korean pharmaceutical researchers through understanding the national financing system for the development of new drugs.

At the sectional meeting “Pharmacology and Clinical Pharmacy”, reports were heard from the head of the department of pharmacology, clinical pharmacology and pharmacotherapy, associate professor Toksanbayeva Zh.S. on the development of new herbal compositions with hepatoprotective properties. And the report of associate professor Ibragimova A.G. was about modern approaches to training personnel for clinical pharmacy in pharmaceutical educational programs in accordance with qualification levels.

Head of the Department of Pharmacognosy, Ass. Professor Orynbasarova K.K. at the section “Quality control, standardization and certification of medicinal products” she shared her experience in cultivating medicinal plant raw materials on the basis of Kaskasu and a commodity research of fenugreek seeds cultivated in the conditions of the Turkestan region. Associate Professor of the Department of Pharmaceutical and Toxicological Chemistry Serikbaeva A.D. shared the results of experimental data from a chemical and toxicological analysis of acetamiprid isolated from biological material.

In general, the work of the conference was very intense, the problems for discussion and answers to the questions posed were relevant. The conference participants noted that such meetings are necessary not only to exchange experience, but also to develop joint plans and identify common priority areas in the development of pharmaceutical science and education.

03.11.2023, 11:44