Academic mobility is a platform for the exchange of experience in higher education

The South Kazakhstan Medical Academy attaches great importance to academic mobility within the framework of the Bologna process.
The Bologna Declaration proclaims the goal of creating conditions for mobile applications that must be considered barriers to effectively sanctify this transition, to improve the appearance of the transition in other existing completions and to obtain information about this method.
From December 11 to December 19, 2023, Professor of the Department of Pharmaceutical Production Technology, Torlanova B.O. and senior lecturer Bakytzhanova A.B. visited the foreign partner University of TSMU Abuali ibni Sino (Dushanbe, Republic of Tajikistan), within the framework of the academic mobility program.

In accordance with the academic mobility plan, teachers gave lectures on the discipline "Biopharmaceutical" to 5th-year students in the specialty "Pharmacy", conducted laboratory classes, took intermediate control and an exam.
Laboratory classes were held on the topics: "On the influence of the physical state of the degree of dispersion, chemical modification, nature and quantity of excipients on the process of removing drugs from solid dosage forms in in vitro experiments", "Polymorphism of pharmaceutical substances: relevance, problems, prospects" and "Basic concepts of pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of medicines"as well as during lectures and practical classes, these topics were analyzed and considered.
The students showed great interest in these topics and noted that they were able to get a lot of useful information during the classes.

In addition, teachers, at the invitation of the Tajik National University, gave lectures and conducted laboratory work for students of the specialty "Pharmacy" and 1st year undergraduates in the discipline "Pharmaceutical Technology".

The teachers also got acquainted with the work of Vezha Pharmaceuticals, located in Tursunzade, Tajikistan. The company is engaged in the production of more than 20 types of sterile medicines using modern technologies.

The South Kazakhstan Medical Academy expresses its deep gratitude to the leadership of TSMU named after him.Abuali ibni Sino and the Tajik National University for the opportunity and fruitful joint activities in the framework of training competent specialists in the field of pharmacy.

26.12.2023, 15:44