“Zheltoksan” – my pride and my sorrow

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On 14th of December a student class under the title “Zheltoksan – my  pride and my sorrow” was organized by the department of pharmaceutical and toxicological chemistry. It was dedicated to the 24th anniversary of the Kazakh independence and it was about the heroic activities of the youth on the way to independence.

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The class was opened by the speech of department’s docent - Aigul Serikbayeva. It was addressed to the students in order to respect the national customs and traditions, to follow them, to commemorate the murdered heroes of the independence fight, to be a role model for the others, to be the patriot the country.     

The other speech was made by the senior lecturer of the department of social sciences and Humanities – Farida Karatayeva. She talked about the historical events of 1986 and about the importance of the sacrifice.

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During the hours of mentoring special videostories, reading reports were read and the beginning of December’s significant historical events, such reviews were conducted between the years of independence. Especially in the heart of the Kremlin on December uprising «Like being bombed around the walls of the Kremlin by M.Shahanov informed about the video is not indifferent to the audience in the hall.

A minute of silence for the victims of the December events was taken.  Biographies, regular performances during the uprising were reported.

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No one can deny that there is hardly any direct connection of Independence Day and the December events. However, the tragedy of  December 1986 is not a manifestation of protest in a day or a year. To date, the December events are of 24 years old.

Stability and prosperity to our country, the Kazakh people!

Department of Pharmaceutical and Toxicological Chemistry

18.12.2015, 02:21