"Youth Health -buduschee nation" round table held in the framework of the program "Salamatty Kazakhstan".

On February 27, 2015 year under the guidance of teachers of the department "History Kazakhstan and social sciences" held a round table discussion on "Youth Health - buduschee nation" under the "Salamatty Kazakhstan." 
At the event were invited: A. Shynybekova - a psychologist - a specialist center "A healthy lifestyle", Sadykova M.B. - Narcologist regional drug treatment clinic. They were lectures and video clips are shown to the students about the dangers of drugs, smoking, alcohol.
At the end of the roundtable college students and academy asked questions and invited lecturers. Finally, a summary of what the purpose of promoting a healthy lifestyle aimed at improving the social life of the people, rational use of their free time, the preservation and promotion of health and nezloupotreblenie addictions.
06.04.2015, 03:35