“Youth for healthy lifestyle”

In the framework of the state program "Densaulyk” on November 16, 2017 a round table was held on the theme: "Youth for healthy lifestyle" organized by the Department of Social sciences and Humanites for students of 202 group of the specialty "Nursing". 


The round table was opened by the deputy head of the Department, senior lecturer F.M. Karatayeva. She noted that «Оne of the priority tasks of the state is the nation's health, promotion of sport and to involve young people to physical culture. Only a healthy nation can achieve high achievements. Therefore, our task is to educate young people in this direction».

In the discussion of the round table following students performed: Nazima Abduvakhidova with a report on the theme: Alcohol addiction”, Dinara Lesbek with  a presentation on “Drug addiction and Diana Khadimetova with a report on Healthy diet”.


For full disclosure of problems students demonstrated the sketch on the theme: We are for healthy lifestyle.

The round table was held with the active participation and lively discussion with students. In closing remarks, senior lecturer S. M. Taskymbayeva stressed: Health is a priceless treasure in the life of any person. I hope that today's meeting was not in vain and you have learned a lot from it”.



17.11.2017, 05:14