«Youth - a mirror of good society»

Department of Social Affairs and Youth Policy of YKMA together with Shymkent City Youth Resource Center on 13.02.2024 was held a spiritual and educational forum "Youth - a mirror of good society" with the participation of representatives of the Council of Veterans and the Spiritual Administration of Muslims of Kazakhstan. The meeting was attended by the chairman of the Shymkent City Council of Veterans K. Tulebaev, Deputy Akim of Shymkent city S. Abayuly. Abayuly, first deputy chief imam of Shymkent KDMU A. Musabek, young scientist, abeologist I. Azimkhan, doctor of law, professor, honored lawyer of the Republic of Kazakhstan B. Turgaraev, head of Shymkent KDMU in the field of veterans' affairs. Turgaraev, head of Shymkent KDMU in the direction of "religion and traditions" S. Anarbaev and student youth.

The guests of the meeting noted that active participation of citizens, especially youth, in social and public life, joining efforts towards a common goal - is an important factor of prosperity and change. The delegates of the forum called on young people to promote traditional values in society, to refrain from bad habits forbidden by our religion and customs, from the five things said by the famous educator Hakim Abay. Because gossiping, lying, bragging, laziness, vanity - all of these instead of taken together are among the bad habits that drive people crazy. The speakers dwelt in detail on the points such as "the importance of the father's role in the upbringing of children in the family", "what is the value of religion and traditions", "the danger of destructive religious movements", "how peace is necessary among young people through the prism of the life of the great Abay".
At the end of the forum, the guests noted that the bright future and maturity of any state directly depends on the identity and consciousness of youth, cultural development, level of education, diligence and patriotism. Therefore, increasing the spiritual and cognitive education and comprehensive literacy of young people is of great importance nowadays. The forum participants called for enriching themselves with modern knowledge and preserving traditional values.
Students addressed their questions and received satisfactory answers.

14.02.2024, 09:40