Young scientists are born in the nest of Academy

April 7 this year there was held the second annual contest poster presentations devoted to the Day of Science organized by the Department of Pharmaceutical and Toxicological Chemistry.

Significant was the name of the competition, which is the best reflection in the words of edification - great Abay: “You would rather learn something to study than find the truth”

The attention of the jury were presented 10 substantive reports covering topical issues of modern pharmacy and medicine, the relevant research areas of the department. The reports were submitted in the state, Russian and English languages.

Posters were evaluated on the following criteria: relevance and scientific novelty, originality, quality of presentation and illustrative poster, the degree of mastery of the material and personal contribution to the work of the student.

Competent jury had hard times to determine the winner, as each report has its own advantages and features.

Topics of reports cover issues dedicated to improving the quality control methods for common drugs such as metronidazole, bisoprolol, ketotifen, etc.

There were also noted reports devoted to the study of the domestic vegetable raw materials - Rhodiola Semenova, which grows in the south of Kazakhstan and has valuable biological activity.

The most interesting report is a poster of students to study the qualitative and quantitative content of pesticides in food by chemical-toxicological analysis. This topic has caused extensive discussion due to the high relevance.

This year, for the first time in the competition was attended by students of engineering profile, which showed excellent knowledge, showing a new scientific area of research.

As a result, the jury jointly issued the following decision: first place was awarded to students of 409 pharmacy group - Otegenov Aidar and Karimova Assel on the topic “New opportunities of determination of pesticide residues”. Second place winners are students of 409 pharmacy group Yermekova Akbota and Nurtai Arailym with the report “New approaches to chemical-toxicological determination of bisoprolol”. Third place were students Danilina Alexandra (513 pharmacy) and Turymbet Zaure (409 pharmacy) on “Application of HPLC in the analysis of metronidazole”.

All participants and winners were awarded with certificates, diplomas and valuable gifts.

Members of the jury emphasized the innovative, interactive format of the event, wished the students good luck and expressed hope that they will continue to research activities in their future careers.



13.04.2015, 09:04