Young scientists and employees of the departments of SKMA about scientific research and current topics

The Department of Scientific and Clinical work, doctoral studies and master's studies organized seminars with the Elsevier Central Asia and Azerbaijan team for undergraduates and doctoral students of the Academy. A coach Rabiga Khozhamkul, MD, MPH, PhD candidate-consultant for Central Asia and Azerbaijan for three days – from June 29 to July 1, 2021 - introduced future researchers to the search for relevant topics, authors, a suitable journal for publications in Scopus and how to increase their own Hirsch index.

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The topics of the online seminars were interesting, such as “Scopus and SienceDirect choosing a relevant topic and increasing the Hirsch index”, “Scopus and SienceDirect searching for a journal for publication”, “Scopus and SienceDirect – Strategies for increasing citation and finding cooperation”. The participants of the seminar, Mokhinur Mirsoatova, Lyubov Magai, Zhasulan Kalyshbayev, Arina Musayeva, Botakoz Azhibayeva, Nyshanbai Konash, Maidan Mukhamediyarov, Ulan Kemelbekov, Tatyana Polugchi, etc., thanked the coach and organizers for conducting webinars and gaining new knowledge.

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03.07.2021, 05:30