XI Congress of cardiologists of the Republic of Kazakhstan

On June 5-7, 2019 in Almaty was held XI Congress of cardiologists of the Republic of Kazakhstan with international participation, organized by the Ministry of health of the Republic of Kazakhstan, National medical University, Association of cardiologists of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The Congress was attended by scientists from Italy, the Netherlands, Germany, Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan.

Scientific topics of the Congress included topical issues of cardiology and cardiac surgery such as problems of comorbidity, new approaches in the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of coronary heart disease, hypertension, chronic heart failure, аrrhythmology, innovation in interventional cardiology, rehabilitation of cardiac patients, etc. The Congress held satellite symposia and sectional scientific meetings, lectures and master classes of leading specialists of Kazakhstan and foreign countries, competition of young scientists, poster session.

In the Congress participated and made oral reports to the head of the Department "Propedeutics of internal diseases" Kauyzbay Zh. A., head of the Department "Emergency medical care and nursing" Seidakhmetova A.A.

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The moderators of the plenary session: the President of the Association of cardiologists of Kazakhstan, MD, Professor Berkinbaev S. F., rector of the NAO "national medical University", MD, Professor Nurgozhin T. S., Professor Mario of Marzilli, University hospital of Pisa (Italy).

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13.06.2019, 21:44