Workshops on the development of nursing specialists’ training system

In May and June 2016 the employees of the Department “Nursing with the course of Anesthesiology and Critical care medicine” took part in workshops with the participation of experts Johanna Heykilya and Hannele Tiittanen from the Federation of Universities of Applied Sciences in Finland. The goal of workshops is to contribute to nursing reform process in Kazakhstan. Education supports the development of nursing study and science according to evidence-based practice, management and administration in nursing.

From May 16 to May 20, 2016 MD, Associate Professor A.A. Seydakhmetova, the Head of the Department “Nursing with a course of Anesthesiology and Critical care medicine” participated in a workshop: “Professional Development Program for Higher Education Leaders of Kazakhstan” in Nazarbayev University.

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From May 16 to May 20, 2016 assistants of the Department N.D. Kalmenov, Zh.S. Sultanova, L.M. Tagabayeva participated in a workshop: “The reform of educational standard of academic Bachelor’s programme of the specialty “Nursing” for medical universities” in JSC “Astana Medical University”.

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From June 06 to June 10, 2016 MD, Associate Professor A.A. Seydakhmetova, the Head of the Department and an assistant of the Department N.D. Kalmenov participated in a workshop: “The development of lenient learning paths to academic Bachelor’s programme of the specialty “Nursing” for medical universities” in JSC “Astana Medical University”.

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Workshops focused on the problems of the European Union requirements, methodology for programme development based on competencies, reform of educational standard of Bachelor’s programme for the specialty “Nursing”; there were developed basic and professional competences, as well as “Educational programmes structures” for all levels of nursing specialists’ training (Technical and professional education, applied and academic Bachelor’s programme).

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23.06.2016, 06:56