Workshop on pedagogical and methodological principles of the joint Kazakh-Finnish graduate master's program in Nursing

During 15 and 19 January, 2018 in Almaty city in KazMUCE there was held a workshop on the topic “Pedagogical and methodological principles of the joint Kazakh-Finnish graduate master's program in Nursing” on Moodle program.


The workshop was conducted by experts from the University of Applied Sciences JAMK: MSc in health, RN, senior lecturer, expert on the modernization of the academic programs for nurses Leena Seriola and expert in the field of blended learning and digital learning Tuuka Kivioja.

Following Kazakhstani universities attended on the workshop: Kazakh medical university of continuous education, S. D. Asfendiyarov Kazakh national medical university, M. Ospanov West Kazakhstan state medical university, Karaganda state medical university, and also representatives of Ambulance and nursing Department of SKSPhA: assistant E. A. Orazbayeva and teachers B. D. Serikova and G. Z. Isabayeva.

A seminar, as a part of the workshop, consisted of following sections:

• E-learning: possibilities, requirements, tools;

• Blended learning: from SES and the curriculum to structural e-learning platform;

• Moodle e-learning on master's degree program and its functions.


During the workshop the participants prepared a course on e-learning platform, and at the end of it, all of them received a certificate from the University of Applied Sciences JAMK.



25.01.2018, 00:02