Workshop of G.N. Abuova, Candidate of Medical Sciences, the Head of the Department of Infectious diseases and Dermatovenerology
On January 26, 2016 at the Department of Infectious diseases and Dermatovenerology there was held workshop with the candidates for master’s degree of the group 102. G.N. Abuova, Candidate of Medical Sciences headed this workshop on the theme “Character of E viral hepatitis in pregnant women”.
The objective of workshop: activating educational and cognitive activity of the candidates for master’s degree, encouraging them to active thinking and practice in the process of mastering the material according to the theme, development of the student-centered approach to education, formation of interest in the subject content and professional motivation of future specialist.
The workshop included 4 modules, which comprised active teaching methods and were divided into three parts: teaching, controlling and evaluating.
1 module: problem lecture presented by PBL method.
2 module: using E-learning during practical classes.
3module: using the method of scientific projects during practical classes.
4 module: using case-study method during practical classes.
At the beginning of workshop the candidates for master’s degree were given a glossary (“Verbal cloud”) to steep in the theme, they demonstrated the etymology knowledge of the key terms of relevant issues. Workshop was visited by A.G. Ibragimova, the Head of EMC; A.A. Seydakhmetova, the chairman of CMC and the members of CMC; A.V. Pan, a specialist in innovative technologies; teachers of the departments and Z.A. Ospanova, an infectious disease physician.
During the 1 module there was given a problem lecture presented by PBL -method. Problem issues of the lecture:
The main facts about EVH
· Geographical distribution, disease burden
· Contagion
· Symptoms of EVH in pregnant women, differential diagnosis of hepatitis related to pregnancy
· Diagnostics
· Treatment of EVH in pregnant women
· Prevention of EVH
The 2 module presented E-learning during practical class. E-learning (eng. ElectronicLearning) means learning through information, electronic technologies. Definition of UNESCO experts: “E-learning is learning through Internet and multimedia”. The decision of the Ministers of Education of the EU: the goal of reforming the higher education system - 100% of teaching materials in electronic form for 100% of students and candidates for master’s degree, providing educational service in electronic form by the formula 24x7x365 (24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year) .
During the 3 module the candidates for master’s degree demonstrated the method of scientific projects. The themes are:
1. Translation of original scientific article on the theme. Translation of scientific article from English allows not only mastering knowledge on the subject, but also feeling their involvement in the global scientific community. A candidate for master’s degree has a choice: to use the proposed article or the one that he is interested in.
2. Current treatment methods of bad cases of EVH in pregnant women.
During the 4 module there was used the method of case-study. During workshop there were offered 3 videocases with tasks: diagnosis, examination plan, treatment plan according to the existing clinical diagnosis and treatment protocols of Kazakhstan, interpretation of laboratory data, differential diagnosis, treatment order according to evidence-based medicine.
At the end of the class, the candidates for master’s degree were offered 5 – minute essay: that is, to make up the following two tasks: to write what they have learned on the given theme and to ask one question, the response to which they have not received yet. The teacher may use it planning his next class.
After workshop the candidates for master’s degree were given a questionnaire to determine their satisfaction with the process of workshop at the Department.