Workshop of G.N. Abuova, Candidate of Medical Science, the Head of “Infectious diseases and Dermatovenerology” Department

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On 26th January, 2016 at the Department of “Infectious diseases and Dermatovenerology” there was held a workshop of G.N. Abuova with the participation of internship doctors of the group 623. G.N. Abuova, Candidate of Medical Science, headed this workshop according to the theme “Special danger infections” using the following methods: “Standardized patient”, PBL, “Role-play”, “Case -study”.

The objective of workshop: activating educational and cognitive activity of internship doctors, encouraging them to active thinking and practice in the process of mastering the material according to the theme “Special danger infections”, implementation and development of learner-centered approach in education. 

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Workshop included 4 modules, which comprised active teaching methods and were divided into three parts:  teaching, controlling and assessing. 

1st module: a problem lecture presented by PBL- method.

2nd module: the use of simulation technology “Standardized patient” according to different nosology group of special danger infections. 

3rd module: the use of “Role play” of internship doctors together with simulation technology “Standardized patient” on “Congo - Crimean haemorrhagic fever”.

4th module: the use of case-study method in the course of simulation technology “Standardized patient” in different nosology group of special danger infections 

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Internship doctors made and mastered six clinical scenari, filmed them and analyzed the experience gained during the implementation of a simulation scenario.

Workshop was visited by A.G. Ibragimova, the Head of EMC; A.A. Seydakhmetova, the chairperson of CMC and the members of CMC; A.V. Pan, a specialist in innovative technologies; teachers of the Departments “Primary Health Care (PHC)”, “Surgery” and the employer’s representative Z.A. Ospanova, an infectious disease physician. 

After this workshop, internship doctors were suggested to answer a questionnaire to determine their satisfaction with the process of this workshop at the Department.


Зав.кафедрой, и.о.проф., к.м.н.                      Абуова Г.Н.

26.01.2017, 05:49