On February 14, 2020, the local commission on bioethics of the SKMA organized a seminar on the topic: «Actual problems of bioethics» for members of the SKMA commission and undergraduates.

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The following were invited to the seminar from the Republic of Uzbekistan:

Mukhamedova Z.M. - International expert in the field of bioethics in the UNESCO GEO program, Ph.D., professor of the Department of Social and Human Sciences of the Tashkent State Dental Institute, Umirzakova N.A. - Senior Lecturer, Department of Social Sciences, Senior Researcher, Scientific and Practical Research Center «Oilа» under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Sattarova D.G. - Head of Department of Social Sciences and Humanities, Ph.D., Associate Professor.

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Chairman of the Commission, Ph.D., Ass. Professor Kauyzbay Zh. made a report on the topic: «Bioethical examination of scientific research in the Republic of Kazakhstan».

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The report on the topic of international expert on bioethics Z.M. Mukhamedova was: «Actual problems of bioethics in educational practices», «Actual problems and status of Muslim bioethics», also N.A. Umirzakova was «Ethical problems of new reproductive technologies». All topics aroused keen interest in their actuality and relevance.

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Speakers answered numerous questions of the seminar participants, there was an exchange of views and experience. The discussion was attended by the first vice-rector of SKMA Bapaev Zh.B., vice-rector for scientific and clinical work Nurmashev B.K., chairman and members of the commission, employees of the scientific-clinical department of SKMA and undergraduates.

The participants of the seminar announced further cooperation in the framework of discussions on topical issues of bioethics.

20.02.2020, 01:26