«Woman-the beginning of all beginnings»

This holiday is originated as a day of fight for women's rights. Оn March 8, 1857 in New York gathered for the manifestation of sewing workers and shoe factories.

This celebration has got the official status of "International Women's Day" the UN decision in 1975. 

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On this day, women of all continents, often divided by national boundaries and ethnic, linguistic, cultural, economic and political differences, have the opportunity to get together and remember the tradition that represents at least a couple of decades of struggle for equality, justice, peace and development.

International Women's Day - a celebration of all women.

On  March 2, 2016 a festive event on the topic «Woman-the beginning of all beginnings» was held in the assembly hall of the Academy in the organization of the department of "Technology of drugs" with curatorial groups.

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On a celebratory concert it was involved the administration of the Academy, teachers and students of SKSPhA. Songs and dances of the various ethnic groups in our country, monologues and skits about the mothers have left no the audience indifferent.

14.03.2016, 05:48