With a diploma in hand: demand, prospects and realities for pharmacists-graduates of SKMA

On 22.05.2021, a meeting of students-graduates of the Faculty of Pharmacy of SKMA with representatives of the company "Zerde-Pharma"was held. The meeting was attended by Director of "Zerde-Pharma" LLP Togusbaeva Gulzhan Bekzhanovna, specialist of the personnel department Askar Indira Askarovna, Head of the Department of Organization and Management of Pharmaceutical Business, Doctor of Pharm. n., Professor Shertaeva K. D., Acting Associate Professor of the Department of OFD, Doctor of PhD, Utegenova G.I.

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Shertaeva K. D. noted that today students face the task not only to get an education, but also to be able to effectively apply their knowledge and skills in practice, meet the high requirements of the time, and be in demand in the labor market. Therefore, the professional implementation, employment and career tracking of graduates is a priority area of the SКMA strategic plan.

The best graduate students-Diana Kochkarova, Alina Lainopulo, Koben Ainura, Nurilya Daurenbekova, Amanbayev Bekzat, Madenova Ainel, Yernar Sakbayev and others-were invited to the meeting with employers.

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Today, Zerde-Pharma is one of the largest developing companies in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan, with more than 80 pharmacy organizations in its network. Director of "Zerde-Pharma" LLP Togusbaeva Gulzhan Bekzhanovna stressed: "According to the sales rating, we are among the five major pharmaceutical companies that are successfully developing in the market."

Indira Askarovna, a specialist of the personnel department of Askar, familiarized the students with the basic requirements for employment, noting that graduates must first pass a test with a subsequent interview. She stressed that graduates of the Faculty of Pharmacy of SKMA are in demand in the network of pharmacies "Zerde-Pharma", have strong knowledge and necessary skills. Many of them have made a successful career, leading pharmacies not only in Shymkent, but also in other cities of Kazakhstan.

In conclusion, the director of "Zerde-Pharma" LLP, Togusbaeva Gulzhan Bekzhanovna, invited graduates of the Faculty of Pharmacy to work in the network of pharmacies "Zerde".

26.05.2021, 06:38