Welcome, Nauryz!

Nauryz is a holiday when day and night are equal, nature is renewed, and for all of us this was the beginning of well-being. The deeply rooted holiday is the identity, unity, art and culture of our people, the core of our traditions and mentality. On this day, people forget each other’s grievances, forgive and reconcile. At the white table, people in a sincere mood tried nauryz kozhe, consisting of seven different flavors. The seedlings were planted and the spring was opened. On the day of spring renewal, it was cleared and filled with grain. The deep ancient holiday of Nauryz is currently harmoniously combined with a renewed society and plays an important role in strengthening friendship and harmony in our Motherland.
On March 28, 2024, the festive event “Welcome, Nauryz!” was held at the Department of Pediatrics-2. in the form of group competitions with groups V-ZhMKA-05-20, V-ZhMKB-05-20, V-ZhMKA-06-20. Before the start of the event, the teaching staff of the Department of Pediatrics-2 spoke. At the 1st stage of the competition there was a presentation of national clothes, each group presented the name of their group, which means for the Kazakh people. At the 1st stage of the competition there was a presentation of national clothes, each group presented the name of their group, which means for the Kazakh people. In the 2nd stage of the competition, the groups performed a stage production, promoting national traditions. In the 3rd stage of the competition, dishes of Kazakh nationality were prepared. In the 4th stage the national game was played. At the end of the competition, places in the best nominations were awarded.

03.04.2024, 10:49