Webinar on the topic: "ANTICOAGULANT THERAPY in the TREATMENT of COVID-19" with international participation

On October 29 2020 an international webinar dedicated to the topic was held : "Anticoagulant therapy in the treatment of COVID-19" with the participation of the department of pharmacology, pharmacotherapy and clinical pharmacology of the SKMA and the department of pharmacology of the TMA, with the participation of the department of General medical practice No. 2 of the SKMA.

The participants of the webinar were welcomed by the heads of the Department of pharmacology of TMA, head. the Department of pharmacology, pharmacotherapy and clinical pharmacology of SKMA Akhmadieva K. E . Emphasized that anticoagulant therapy in COVID-19 plays an important role, requires consideration of various factors and constant monitoring.

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The webinar discussed topical issues of pathogenetic approach in the treatment of COVID-19, which were highlighted in his report by professor of the Tashkent medical academy, doctor of medical sciences Z. Z. Khakimov. The importance of anticoagulants in the treatment of COVID-19 was described in detail by associate Professor of the department of pharmacology of TMA, Ph. D. Makhsumov Sh.M.

Head of the department of pharmacology, pharmacotherapy and clinical pharmacology of SKMA Akhmadieva K. E made an analysis of changes in anticoagulant therapy strategies in COVID-19. It included an analysis of the recommendations of the European and American school of thrombosis treatment, with a summary of tactical steps in treatment, based on the results of recent studies in the world. Head of the department of pharmacology of TMA prof. Allayeva M. Zh. noted the value of analytical work and the necessity of implementation in practice of these recommendations.

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Head of the department of general medical practice of SKMA, MD, Professor Dosybayeva G. N. presented an analytical report with the latest recommendations in the treatment of COVID-19 at the outpatient stage in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Senior lecturer of the department of pharmacology, pharmacotherapy and clinical pharmacology, master of medicine Iklasova F. B. made a report: "Analysis of the evolution of the COVID-19 treatment protocol in the Republic of Kazakhstan". After familiarizing international guests with numerous changes in the treatment protocol since its first edition on February 3. Drawing a parallel between the international experience and the experience of Kazakhstan. Professor Allayeva M. Zh. noted a similar way of changing the recommendations for treatment of COVID-19 in Uzbekistan.

During the discussion, head of the department of pharmacology, pharmacotherapy and clinical pharmacology Akhmadieva K. E asked about the tactics of anticoagulant therapy in the treatment of COVID-19 in the Republic of Uzbekistan, professor of the department of pharmacology of TMA Allayeva M. Zh. drew an analogy with Kazakhstan and international recommendations.

17.11.2020, 11:21