Webinar "distance education: actual problems for teaching staff"

In the context of the state of emergency in the country, the topic of organizing high-quality distance learning has become extremely relevant. With this in mind, the Department of distance education technologies of SKMA together with departments conducts a series of webinars on distance education on current topics, as well as to discuss the experience between departments. Webinars are devoted to various aspects.

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On December 3, 2020 a webinar was held to discuss the problems that higher education faces when switching to distance learning. So, in the center of the discussion at this webinar was the topic: "Google Services to help conduct classes in distance learning". The head of the Department of distance learning educational technology SH.A. Khalmetova, gave the review as an additional tool for classes, for milestone tests taken using the Google Slides service ticket system. Also, it demonstrated the possibility of using the service wheeldecide.com., as a free tool that allows you to generate a number or sequence of random numbers from a given range, which makes it possible to randomly select and distribute Ticket-exam papers for midterm examination from the proposed options among students.

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The second part of the webinar the staff of the Department of pharmaceutical and Toxicological chemistry shared experience of the production practices on the platform of Google Classroom, which have already successfully completed industrial practice "quality Control of medicines" and at this time professorial teacher "Toxicological chemistry" the students of the 5th course of teching staff of pharmacy, the new format of distance learning.

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The report of Mirsoatova M.A. on the organization of production practice, filling in the content of IP Platonus and Google Classroom, preparing video clips, and the advantages of the Google Classroom platform itself aroused great interest among the teching staff our Academy.

08.12.2020, 10:52