We wish success, health and prosperity to Saule Kutumovпa Ordabayeva, who has celebrated her 60th anniversary!

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October 24, 2020 marks the 60th anniversary of a remarkable person, scientist, doctor of pharmaceutical Sciences, Professor, head of the Department of pharmaceutical and Toxicological chemistry of the South Kazakhstan medical Academy, member of the editorial Board of the State Pharmacopoeia of the Republic of Kazakhstan Ordabayeva Saule Kutymovna.

Her high professionalism, ability to work in a team, be correct in all situations of business communication, as well as demanding of herself and subordinates in achieving results allowed S. Ordabayeva to be not only a well-known scientist in Kazakhstan, but also in the CIS countries, to earn the respect of colleagues and representatives of the pharmaceutical industry.

S. Ordabayeva is the winner of the Republican grant "Best University teacher" of the MES RK (2012), the open international online competition "Scientist of the year" in the category "Medical Sciences" of the Oxford Academic Union (OAU, Oxford, UK, 2015), a competition organized by the Club of the Rectors of Europe (CRE) and the European Business Assembly (EBA). She is also the winner of the Republican competition of the presidential program "Bolashak", in which she completed an internship at the Berlin Technical University (Germany, 2016), in 2018 - internship and exchange of experience in the field of research and educational process under the credit mobility program at the Gdansk medical University within the framework of the European grant "Erasmus-plus".

Long-term and fruitful work with S.Ordabayeva was awarded by the badge "Excellent worker of Healthcare of Kazakhstan" of the Ministry of education and science (2007), the medal "For loyalty to the profession of pharmacist" Republican Association on support of pharmaceutical education and research (2014), the medal "For contribution to the system of health" of the Ministry of education end science (2017).

Congratulations on Saule Kutumovna Ordabayeva happy anniversary, wish you health, creative inspiration! So that life will give you more than one decade of fruitful scientific and pedagogical work, implementation of ideas and happiness to share your path with like-minded people, colleagues, relatives and loving people! Let your plans and dreams come true, open up horizons for new achievements!

26.10.2020, 05:10