This is the slogan of the international scientific and practical conference “Topical issues of stroke research, development perspectives” held on 18-19 March 2019 in Aidana Plaza hotel, Shymkent. The conference organized by Republican stroke coordination center at RoK Healthcare Ministry, neurology, psychiatry and psychology department of South Kazakhstan medicine academy, public health administration of Turkistan region gathered neurosurgeons, neurologists and rehabilitation therapists from Zhambul, Kyzylorda and Turkistan regions.

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During his opening speech, Head of South Kazakhstan medicine academy M.M.Rysbekov stated that the issues being conferred upon are related to the main problems in epidemiology and risk factors of brain vascular diseases, pathogenesis of acute cerebrovascular pathology, peculiarities of disease management with patients in acute period of cerebral stroke, rehabilitation directions, primary and secondary preventive treatment. 

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Director of the Republican stroke coordination center (Astana) E.B.Adilbekov introduced the outcomes of the state’s programs designed for aiding patients with vascular pathology, for implementing new invasive and remedial treatment technologies in the clinical practice. 

The conference welcomed the representatives from leading Kazakhstani and foreign clinics, prominent scientists that made significant contributions into the subject area, as well as practicing doctors and healthcare organizers. 

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According to N.A. Zharkynbekova, the experience shared by colleagues from Kazan – supervisor of training course at the Interregional clinical-diagnostics center, neurologist Idil Tabiev and head of department for patients with acute brain circulation impairments, neurologist Timur Demin (both from Republican brain vascular center, Russia), – as well as the master classes with them on the physiology of deglutition, compensation algorithm for protein-energetic needs taking into account the patient’s clinical status, physical rehabilitation of neurogenic dysphagia provide real opportunities for doctors to rectify the status of the diseased. Guests from Russia made comprehensive reports on these topics.

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The consultant for the Angels initiative, MD Lew Pristupyuk (Germany, Ukraine), noted that the project being offered is an educational platform which provides framework for organizing special trainings targeted to stroke treatment. As examples for this, he mentioned online courses, simulated training software Body Interact, resources for speakers, educating videos and learning kits for hospitals. Angels initiative is a non-profit pan-European healthcare initiative created by “Boehringer Ingelheim International GmbH”, approved by Ueopean stroke organization. Angels initiative is supported by “Medtronic”. They have built a community of at least 1500 stroke centers ready to treat acute stroke in Europe and they are in Kazakhstan now.

About 150 doctors from Southern regions of Kazakhstan worked at the conference and they all were recognized by certificates. Guests also made a tour to the ancient city of Turkestan, paid a visit to Kh.AYasawi mausoleum, which is listed in the UNESCO world heritage.

On the second day of the conference, headmaster M.M.Rysbekov met with speakers and gave them souvenirs and presents, after which he invited them to take part in the celebrations dedicated to 40th anniversary of the institution which will be held on 11-12 October 2019 in Shymkent.

03.04.2019, 04:07