We are for salubrity!
It is common knowledge that to propaganda of healthy way of life the special attention is spared by our Leader of Nation - President. A health of people is the most essential factor in development of country, guarantee on the future. In April, 7 to the day of world Health in the sport hall of SKPhA department Hygiene- 2 together with the department of Hygiene- 1, physical culture with the purpose of strengthening of health of students, to increase in them love to sport and propaganda of healthy way of life was organize a sport competition under the name "Us for salubrity".
A competition was opened by a manager by the department of Hygiene - 2 c.m.s of associate professor Yeskerova S.U, and wished successes to the participants.
A sport competition began with fleshmob, that was organized by the students of SKPhA. An audience became the witnesses of colourful fleshmob from groups 403 А-403 B HPC, 404 А- 404B HPC and 402 А- 402 B MPH.
In a competition as guests accepted participation associate of medicine group dean on speciality sisterly matter of Мusaeva С.К., chairman of student SKPhA Baimaganbetova B.S. and senior teacher of department Hygiene- 1, physical culture with Тaizhanova М.А.
3 groups competed in a sport competition :
403 А-403 B HPC – command «Barys»
404 А-404 B HPC – command «Kyran»
402 А-402 B MPW – command «Zhalyn»
In every turn estimated not only playing ability of groups but also good organization, effective management by time, quickness and force. Groups inter played different games. «Baige» , «Basketball» and national games – «Аrkan tartys», «Аsyk atu».
In a merry and tense fight on results competition of 1-place a command "Zhalyn" got specialities of "medcine prophylactic business". 2-место got command "Barys" specialities "community health care". And command "Кyran" specialities a "community health care" was got by 3-place. To the winnings commands from the name diplomas and valuable prizes were handed. Students that actively took part in a competition too rewarded by diplomas : Аlpys Tansholpan, Zharbakulova Ulmeken and Аkimbekova Samal.
In conclusion it is desirable to say that a health of people and his strengthening are a result of the united action. And only then, saving an environment, correctly feeding, sticking to the healthy way of life it is possible to create the light future.