For trauma doctors, cold winter is traditionally a «hot» time. According to statistics, winter injuries are responsible for 15% of diseases leading to temporary disability. About 36% of all injuries that occur during the year occur in winter, 23% in summer, 22% in spring, and 19% in autumn. With the onset of winter, the number of incoming patients in the trauma centers of our city has increased dramatically. The reason is ice. The largest number of victims are people of active age (30-50 years old), age–related bone disorders in the form of osteoporosis also affect.
To avoid injury when falling into icy conditions, it is important to follow 4 simple rules:
1. First of all, be careful and take your time. Watch your step. avoid the most slippery places, do not make sudden movements;
2.Choose comfortable shoes without heels or low, stable heels, sole with ribbed tread;
3. Correct gait. Move on bent legs, "penguin gait": tilt the body forward, a short waddle step – with support on the front leg, put the whole foot at once;
4. Learn how to fall properly. If you can't avoid falling, you need to group up, sit down (it's safer to fall from a lower height), wave your arms, try to grab something, pull your head to your chest so as not to hit the back of your head, pull your legs up to your chest, do not stretch your arms, press your elbows to your body, try to land on your forearm.
First aid:
• ask the victim and find out what hurts and where, whether he can get up, do not immediately try to lift and transport;
• call an ambulance team;
• provide peace to the damaged area;
• do not step on the injured leg, load the injured arm – you need to fix it or tie it to the trunk;
• in case of head injury and the first hours after injury with sprains, dislocations, fractures, bruises, cold should be applied for 20-30 minutes.
Head of the Department of Surgery, Oncology and Traumatology,
MD Abdurakhmanov B.A.
аssoc. Esmembetov I.N.,
ass. Usmanov M.A.,
ass. Yusupov A.M.,
ass. Abdramanova A.K.,
ass. Duisebekov M.T.,
resident traumatologist of the 3rd year Zhumabai S.S.

13.12.2023, 15:19