«Visiting professor: enriching the academic environment through international cooperation at a partner university»

From March 11 to March 15 of this year, a visit was held by professor Aurelija Blazhevichene, chief researcher, professor, head of the department of nursing and clinic of the Lithuanian University of medical sciences, Kaunas, Lithuania, which was organized by the department of emergency medicine and nursing.
The event began with a meeting attended by rector Myrzabek Myrzashevich Rysbekov and vice-rectors Marlen Makhmudovich Yesirkepov, Maria Ulasbekovna Anartayeva, head of the department of strategic development and international cooperation Alma Abdukarimovna Akhmetova, dean of the faculty of medicine, head of the department of emergency medicine and nursing Aizat Ashimkhanovna Seydakhmetova, doctoral students Umida Abdyvalyevna Khojakulova and Dana Auezkhankyzy. Issues of further cooperation between the two organizations in the field of education and research were discussed.

Aurelija Blazhevichene got acquainted with the departments of the academy, the work of the anatomical museum, the center for practical skills, the test center, attended an oral exam, a practical lesson and the process of uploading test tasks.

The uniqueness of the program was that it covered all stages of the educational process from undergraduate to doctoral level in various specialties and educational programs.
Issues on the following topics were discussed with undergraduate students of the educational programs «General Medicine» and «Nursing»: «Nursing, yesterday, today, tomorrow. Interprofessional training in the healthcare system».
Undergraduates of the educational programs «Nursing», «Medicine», «Public Health» and «Pharmacy» and doctoral students of the educational programs «Medicine», «Public Health» and «Pharmacy» were engaged in the following topics: «Teamwork in the healthcare system. Evidence-based medicine and its implementation. The research process».
The students gained valuable experience, new ideas and approaches to writing articles and dissertations.
A separate day was allocated for a meeting with students of the bachelor's degree in «Nursing» of the accelerated form of education. In an interactive form, they received answers to their questions, learned about new trends in the world of medicine and nursing. We shared our experience and vision in practical healthcare, because each of them has extensive experience working in different areas.

As part of the visit, a seminar was organized for heads, deans and teaching staff with the issuance of a certificate on current topics: «Leadership. A new look at teaching methods in educational programs».

We thank the professor for his fruitful work, the leadership of the Academy and the department for organizing events!
We hope for further cooperation, we wish you creative success and prosperity!

01.04.2024, 16:37