Visiting professor at the Adam Mickiewicz University of Poznań

18 August 2022 Professors from Poland's Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan arrive at the South Kazakhstan Medical Academy: Dean of the Faculty of Biology, Professor Beata Messiasz, Head of the Department of Environmental Chemistry, Professor Boguslawa Leska, Analyst Chemist, Professor Radoslaw Pankiewicz and Inorganic Chemist PhD Lukasz Tobiasz. The guests were first given a tour of the academy's facilities and scientific laboratories, and spoke with the academy's Rysbekov. In the small conference room of the school, there was an exchange of views with professors from the academy and a discussion on further joint research projects. On academic mobility, the guests expressed their willingness to host two academy researchers for a two-week free summer school. This will be the beginning of a great cooperation to come.

19.08.2022, 09:56