Visiting of domestic scientists to the Academy

As part of the visiting program, our Academy was visited by the State Prize Laureate of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Professor T.A. Arystanova and Professor Arystanov Zh.M. The guests were received by the rector, professor M.M. Rysbekov, who spoke about the achievements of the Academy in recent years and long-term development plans for educational and research activities. The guests highly appreciated the strengthening material base, the university clinic under construction, and the conditions created for effective learning and accommodation of students, noting the significant contribution of the founder, Professor S.S. Seitzhanov in the development of the Academy.

Visiting program of Prof. T.A. Arystanova included conducting lectures and master classes for students, undergraduates, doctoral students and teachers of the Department of Pharmaceutical and Toxicological Chemistry. She left indelible impressions on students as the author of numerous textbooks and teaching aids, as well as scientific monographs, publications, copyrights and patents in the field of creation and standardization of medicines.

Lectures and laboratory classes were conducted according to a calendar-thematic plan according to the modular curriculum “Quality Control of Medicines”, which included topics such as the analysis of medicines, amino acid derivatives, heterocyclic compounds, steroid hormones, etc.

The master class on the topic “Physico-chemical methods of analysis: practical application” was exciting. The lecturer focused on modern chromatographic, optical, photometric methods of analysis, used for both scientific and practical purposes in the field of standardization and examination of medicines. Conducted a comparative analysis of the requirements of the EAEU pharmacopoeia and foreign pharmacopoeias, ensuring the effectiveness, safety and quality of medicines.

The staff of the Department of Pharmaceutical and Toxicological Chemistry sincerely thanks prof. T.A. Arystanov, who made a huge contribution to the development of the department and the Academy as a whole, to the training of scientific and pedagogical personnel who work and continue the traditions of the Teachers, for such a rich and effective visiting program.

Prof. Arystanov Zh.M. and prof. Arystanova T.A. left their comments on the results of their stay within the walls of our Academy:
I would like to share my impressions of the academic mobility trip to SKMA, where we worked for more than 30 years. From October 2012 to the present, we have been working at the Department of Pharmaceutical Disciplines of the School of Pharmacy of Astana Medical University. The Faculty of Pharmacy of SKMA has been and remains the cradle of pharmacy, the forge of the country's pharmaceutical personnel.
At the origins of the formation and development of the Faculty of Pharmacy was its founder - our Teacher Esbolgan Tegisbaevich Tegisbaev. The branch with a single pharmaceutical faculty turned into a full-fledged medical university and received its large-scale development during the leadership of the rector Dairbekov Orynbay Dairbekovich.
After the transformation into the SKSPhA, the Faculty of Pharmacy was further developed under the rector B.D. Seksenbaev.
In 2018, SKSPhA was again renamed the Medical Academy, where the faculties of general medicine, pediatrics, dentistry, and nursing were reopened and the medical university entered a new milestone in its development.
No matter how many upheavals and transformations there have been, the Faculty of Pharmacy has been and remains the unshakable flagship of the Academy. Our students occupy key positions: the dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy - Umirzakova G.Zh., heads of specialized, graduating departments - prof. Ordabayeva S.K., Shertayeva K.Zh., Orynbassarova K.K. We are proud of them!
The degree of teaching staff at the Faculty of Pharmacy is quite high - at the Department of Organization of Pharmaceutical Management - 70%, at the Department of Pharmaceutical and Toxicological Chemistry - 57%.
We were struck by the vision of the current leadership, founder - prof. Seitzhanova S.S. about the prospects of the Academy as a large modern medical university with a strategic development plan, where education, science and practice will interact together. Our own clinical base with 800 beds is being built. The old buildings were completely reconstructed, thoughtful, functional educational buildings, luxurious lecture halls, and a research center with a vivarium equipped with modern equipment were put into operation. And this is not the end of the transformations. One can only dream of such a material and technical base!
Teaching staff headed by rector M.M. Rysbekov make every effort to meet modern requirements, expectations and hopes of a leader who invests his soul and huge material investments.
Such a medical university is necessary for the densely populated south of the country!
We wish dear founder, prof. Seitzhanov S.S. and his like-minded associates, teaching staff of the Academy for fruitful activities aimed at developing the country's healthcare for the benefit of the people.


Professors Arystanov Zh.M. and Arystanova T.A.

11.04.2024, 19:15