Visiting clinical bases

On January 17, 2024, the rector of JSC «SKMA», Professor Rysbekov Myrzabek Myrzashuly visited the clinical base located in LLP «Park Health», which recently passed Accreditation. During the meeting, the director of Agishanova, Zhadyra Mukhambetkyzy, introduced the current work of the clinic and plans for further development. In addition, the clinic is provided with highly qualified, professional specialists and modern equipment; as a clinical base, all conditions are created for training and participation of students in scientific and clinical work.
Rector Myrzabek Myrzashuly noted the need to continue the joint work of clinical departments and medical institutions in accordance with the plan at the modern level, thanked the management and staff of the LLP «Park Health» clinic for their contribution to the training of future medical personnel.

18.01.2024, 18:27