Visit within the framework of the World Bank project

In the period from 18 to 22 October 2021 the visit of the working group of the South Kazakhstan Medical Academy (SKMA) to the Tajik State Medical University named after Abu ali ibni Sino (TSMU, Dushanbe) within the framework of the World Bank project "Innovative development of pharmaceutical education in the Republic of Tajikistan".
Purpose of the visit: consulting and methodological assistance in the development of a curriculum for the educational program "Pharmacy", taking into account the credit-modular training system.
The teaching staff of the educational program "Pharmacy" of TSMU was divided into two groups. In the first group worked the chairman of the committee of educational programs SKMA, head of the Department of Pharmacology Toksanbaeva Zh.S.
For four days, a seminar was held, at which topics were discussed on the development and updating of the curriculum based on international standards of medical and pharmaceutical education, on the development and updating of syllables, during which the requirements for the compilation of syllabuses for credit training technology were presented, work experience of the Committee of educational programs "Pharmacy" SKMA. With particular interest, the audience accepted the presentation of Professor Zh.S. Toksanbaeva. "Professional standard Pharmacy" and NRC MH RK".

In the second group, the head of the Department of Pharmacognosy Orynbasarova K.K. and Professor of the Department of Drug Technology Anarbaeva R.M. conducted training on active teaching methods.

The training was conducted in an interactive format, the parties shared their experiences. During the training, the following issues were discussed: 1) Innovative educational methods and teaching technologies in pharmaceutical education; 2) Role-playing and business games in the study of the discipline "Pharmacognosy"; 3) Team method of teaching (team-based learning) on the example of the experience of the Department of Drug Technology in teaching the discipline "Drug Technology"; 4) Critical thinking as the main tool for analyzing knowledge and skills on the example of the discipline "Pharmacognosy"; 5) Active teaching methods on the example of the discipline "Technology of drugs"; 6) Learning through experience. How we apply experiments to practice pharmacognosy; 7) Round table "Application of innovative educational technologies in the study of pharmaceutical disciplines."
In turn, our group was interested in the experience of the teaching staff of TSMU. Great interest was shown in the work of the Central Research Laboratory (CRL) of TSMU, during the existence of which 36 doctoral and 112 candidate dissertations were performed and defended on its basis, more than 600 joint works were published, 18 inventor's certificates were received. Currently, there are biochemical, clinical, morphological, molecular genetic laboratories, a laboratory of experimental pharmacology and experimental surgery. Experimental surgical interventions are carried out in 2 operating blocks. The scientific directions of the Central Scientific Research Laboratory are diverse and are determined by the priority areas of scientific research of the university, as well as the goals and objectives of the scientific topics of the departments, on the basis of which scientific research is carried out.
The program of the visit was completed in full, the Tajik colleagues expressed satisfaction with the format of the seminar and training, confidence that cooperation between universities will find an effective continuation.
The SKMA working group expresses its gratitude to the management of TSMU and the teaching staff for the warm welcome and the creation of an atmosphere of creative cooperation.

27.10.2021, 22:37