Visit to the University of Western Attica, Athens, Greece

In the period from May 16 to May 20, 2022, an introductory visit of representatives of the administrative and managerial staff of Kazakhstani universities-partners of the Erasmus + LMQS project to the University of Western Attica (Athens, Greece) took place.
The program of the visit included a training seminar including questions on updating university curricula (taking into account the Bologna recommendations and the Tuning reference system), accreditation of courses, an analysis of how European universities implement the recommendations of the Bologna Process and Tuning in terms of quality control.
They got acquainted with the work of resource centers, centers of excellence in European universities, in particular, what services these systems provide to students, teachers, adults in lifelong learning and how these systems mobilize professionals.
Meetings were organized with professors from the Departments of Public Health, Business Administration, the Department of Health Services Management and Policy Assessment, the Department of Pathophysiology and Nosology of the Department of Medical Laboratories.

30.05.2022, 12:23