Visit of Fabrizio Francesio, Head of Digital Technologies of the Polpharma Group, to the South Kazakhstan Medical Academy

On June 9, 2023 at 14.00 in the Great Assembly Hall of the SKMA held a lecture by Fabrizio Francesio, head of digital technologies in the Polpharma Group, with the support of our partner and employer, the pharmaceutical company SANTO.
During the visit, Fabrizio Franchesio met with the leadership of the SKMA and delivered a lecture on the topic "Using the possibilities of digital thinking: a catalyst for transformation in healthcare" for teaching staff, students of the educational programs "Pharmacy" and "Technology of pharmaceutical production", students of the master's and doctoral studies of the EP "Pharmacy". After the lectures, Fabrizio Francesio answered questions.

27.06.2023, 10:53